2012 | 2011 | 20102009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996
Y. Yamashita, M. Tomura, Y. Yanagi, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 88, 195104-1-7(2013).
SU(3) Dirac Electrons in the 1/5-Depleted Square-Lattice Hubbard Model at 1/4-Filling -
Y. Yamashita, M. Tomura, Yanagi, and K. Ueda
Magnetic Phases and Edge States of the 1/5-Depleted Square-Lattice Hubbard Model at 1/4 Filling -
Y. Yanagi and K. Ueda
Quantum Phase Transition in the 1/5-Depleted Square Lattice Hubbard Model -
T. Hotta and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 247214(2012).
Electric Dipolar Kondo Effect Emerging from a Vibrating Magnetic Ion -
Y. Yanagi, Y. Yamashita, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 123701 (2012).
Dimensional Reduction and Odd-Frequency Pairing of the Checkerboard-Lattice Hubbard Model at 1/4-Filling -
上田和夫: 物性物理学ハンドブック(2012,朝倉書店)175-182
高温超伝導--理論-- -
固体物理 67, 509-510 (2012)
特集号「重い電子系の物理の最近の発展」 はじめに -
R. Sakano, T. Fujii, and A. Oguri
Phys. Rev. B 79, 075440 (2011).
Kondo crossover in shot noise of a single quantum dot with orbital degeneracy -
E. Iyoda and T. Fujii
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, 073709 (2011).
Analysis of shot noise at finite temperatures in FQH edge states -
Y. Yamauchi, K. Sekiguchi, K. Chida, T. Arakawa, S. Nakamura,
K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, R. Sakano, and T. Fujii
Phys. Rev. Lett 83, 176601 (2011).
Evolution of the Kondo effect in a quantum dot probed by shot noise -
K. Ueda
Kotai Butsuri 429-437 (2011).
Centennial Anniversary of the Discovery of Superconductivity -- Mechanism of Formation of Cooper Pairs -- - K. Ueda: Introduction to magnetism (2011, Shokabo).
S. Yashiki and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 084717-1-6 (2011).
Effect of anharmonicity on the Kondo phenomena of a magnetic ion vibrating in a confinement potential -
S. Kirino and K. Ueda
Annl. Phys. 664-671 (2011).
Nonlinear Transport through Quantum Dots Studied by the Time Dependent DMRG -
S. Yashiki, S. Kirino, K. Hattori, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 064701-1-14 (2011).
Kondo Effect of a Magnetic Ion Vibrating in a Harmonic Potential -
S. Yashiki, S. Kirino, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn SA130-1-3 (2011).
Kondo Effect of a Vibrating Magnetic Ion -
S. Kirino and K. Ueda
J. Phys.:Conf. Ser. 012145-1-4 (2011).
Dielectric Breakdown in the 1-D Hubbard Model -
S. Kirino and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 093710-1-4 (2010).
Nonequilibrium Current in the One Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half-Fiiling -
S. Yashiki, S. Kirino, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 093707-1-4 (2010).
Kondo Effect of a Vibrating Magnetic Impurity -
J. Zhao and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 074602-1-5 (2010).
Anharmonicity in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon System - K. Ueda
BUTSURI 65, 316 (2010)
Recent developments of Kondo effect -Heavy electrons and quantum dots- -
S. Kirino, T. Fujii and K. Ueda
Physica E 42, 874 (2010).
Nonlinear transport through quantum dot studied by the time-dependent DMRG - T. Fujii
Kotai Butsuri 45, 37 (2010).
Nonequilibrium Kubo formula and shot noise for the Kondo effect -
T. Fujii
Physica E 42, 871 (2010).
Effect of Coulomb interaction for shot noise in a quantum dot -
T. Fujii
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 79, 44714 (2010).
New study of shot noise with the nonequilibrium Kubo formula in mesoscopic systems, application to the Kondo effect at a quantum dot - T. Fujii
Bussei Kenkyu(Kyoto)93, 1 (2009)
Nonequilibrium Kubo formula and shot noise based on the Keldysh formalism in mesoscopic systems - K. Ueda
BUTSURI 64, 378 (2009).
Theory of Rattling Lattice Vibrations -
M. Takechi and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 78, 024604 (2009).
Green's Function of Fully Anharmonic Lattice Vibration -
S.G. Chung and K. Ueda
Phys. Lett. A 372, 4845 (2008).
Entanglement perturbation theory for the quantum ground states in two dimensions -
S. Kirino, T. Fujii, J.Z. Zhao and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77, 084704 (2008).
Time-dependent DMRG study on quantum dot under a finite bias voltage -
T. Dahm and K. Ueda
J. Rhys. Chem. Solids 69, 3160 (2008).
Theoretical study of NMR relaxation due to rattling phonons -
C. Iniotakis, T. Dahm, and N. Schopohl
Phys. Rev. Lett 100, 37002 (2008).
Effect of Surface Andreev Bound States on the Bean-Livingston Barrier in d-Wave Superconductors -
T. Dahm and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett 99, 187003 (2007).
NMR relaxation and resistivity from rattling phonons in pyrochlore superconductors -
J.Z. Zhao, K. Ueda and X.Q. Wang
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, 114711 (2007).
Insulating charge density wave for a half-filled SU(N) Hubbard model with an attractive on-site interaction in one dimension -
T. Fujii
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, 44709-44714 (2007).
Nonequilibrium Kubo Formula of Finite Conductor Connected to Reservoirs based on Keldysh Formalism -
Jize Zhao, Kazuo Ueda and Xiaoqun Wang
Phys. Rev. B 74, 233102 (2006).
Low energy excitations of the one-dimensional attractive SU(4) Hubbard model -
K. Hirohashi and K. Ueda
Physica B 378-380, 965-967 (2006).
Theory of the first order phase transition in the ferromagnetic phase of UGe2 -
I. Maruyama, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Physica B 378-380, 938-939 (2006).
Theory of Fano-Kondo effect in quantum dot systems: Temperature dependence of the Fano line shapes -
T. Fujii and K. Ueda
Physica B 378-380, 931-932 (2006).
Magnetic and transport properties of a quantum dot in nonequilibrium conditions -
T. Maehira T. Hotta, K. Ueda and A. Hasegawa
New J. Physics 8, 24 (2006).
Electronic Properties of Transuranium Comounds with HoCoGa5-Type Tetragonal Crystal Structure -
K. Ueda and Y. Yamashita
Physica B 359-361, 498-501 (2005).
Magnetism in strongly correlated and frustrated systems -
T. Fujii and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74, 127-135(2005).
Out-of-equilibrium transport phenomena through a quantum dot in a magnetic field -
I. Maruyama, N. Shibata and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, 3239 (2004).
Theory of Fano-Kondo Effect of Transport Properties through Quantum Dots -
S.H. Curnoe, H. Harima, K. Takegahara, K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 70, 245112 (2004).
Theory of the metal-insulator transition in PrRu4P12 and PrFe4P12 -
K. Hirohashi and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, 1576 (2004).
A Microscopic Model for Ferromagnetism of UGe2 -
T. Takimoto, T. Hotta and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 69, 104504 (2004).
Strong-coupling theory of superconductivity in a degenerate Hubbard model -
I. Maruyama, N. Shibata and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 73, 434-440 (2004).
Conductance through Quantum Dots Studied by Finite Temperature DMRG -
T. Hotta and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 107007 (2004).
Odd-Parity Triplet Pair Induced by Hund's Rule Coupling -
T. Hotta and K. Ueda
J. Magn. Magn. Matter. 272-276, 191-192 (2004).
Microscopic approach to exotic superconductivity in f-electron systems -
T. Fujii and K. Ueda
Physica E 22,Issues1-3, 498-501 (2004).
Theory of the Nonequilibrium Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot -
ボース-アインシュタイン凝縮から高温超伝導へ 第三章 37-50 edited by 日本物理学会 (日本評論社、東京、2003).
超伝導の発見からBCS理論まで---------- 超伝導の基礎 -
T. Takimoto, T. Hotta and K. Ueda
J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 15, S2087-S2093 (2003).
Superconductivity in the Orbital Degenerate Model for Heavy Fermion Systems -
T. Moriya and K. Ueda
Rep. Prog. Phys. 66, 1-43 (2003).
Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuation and Superconductivity -
S.H. Curnoe, K. Ueda, H. Harima, and K. Takegahara
Physica B 329-333, 474-475 (2003).
Quadrupolar ordering in half-integral spin systems -
T. Fujii and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 68, 155310 (2003).
Perturbative Approach to the Nonequilibrium Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot -
S. Miyahara and K. Ueda
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, R327-R366 (2003).
Theory of Orthogonal Dimer Heisenberg Spin Model for SrCu2(BO3)2 -
Y. Yamashita and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 67, 195107-1-5 (2003).
Spin-Orbital Fluctuations and a large mass enhancement in LiV2O4 -
T. Maehira, T. Hotta, K. Ueda and A. Hasegawa
Phys. Rev. Lett 90, 207007-1-4 (2003).
Electronic Structure and Fermi Surface of AnCoGa5 (An=Pu and Np) -
T. Hotta and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 67, 104518-1-16 (2003).
Construction of microscopic model for f-electron systems on the basis of j-j coupling scheme -
T. Maehira, T. Hotta, K. Ueda and A. Hasegawa
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 72, 854-864 (2003).
Relativistic Band-Structure Calculations for CeTIn5(T=Ir and Co) and Analysis of the Energy Bands by Using Tight-Binding Method -
H. Harima, K. Takegahara, K. Ueda, and S.H. Curnoe
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 1189-1192 (2003).
Origin of the Metal-Insulator Transition in PrRu4P12 -
T. Hotta and K. Ueda
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 443-446 (2003).
Effect of orbital degeneracy on triplet superconductivity in f-electron systems -
T. Maehira, T. Hotta, T. Takimoto, K. Ueda and A. Hasegawa
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 1023-1026 (2003).
Tight-Binding Model for Heavy Fermion Compounds: Construction of f-p Model -
パリティ 17 No.1 20-21 (2002)
異方的超伝導 -
H. Shiba, K. Ueda, O. Sakai, and S.J. Qin
in proceedings of French-Japanese Symposium on Quantum Properties of Low-Dimensional Antiferromagnets, 183-190, edited by Y. Ajiro and J.-P. Boucher (Kyushu Univ. Press, Fukuoka, 2002).
Structure, effective Hamiltonian and magnetic excitation -
S.H. Curnoe, K. Ueda, H. Harima, and K.Takegahara
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63, 1207-1210 (2002).
Theory of Metal-Insulator Transition in PrFe4P12 and PrRu4P12 -
S. Miyahara, K. Totsuka, and K. Ueda
in proceedings of the 11th International Conference RECENT PROGRESS in MANY-BODY THEORIES, 103-106 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002).
Magnetic Excitation of Orthogonal Dimer Heisenberg Spin System for SrCu2(BO3)2 -
Y. Yamashita and K. Ueda
Physica B 312-313, 708-710 (2002).
Valence-bond type approach for the pyrochlore spin system -
T. Takimoto, T. Hotta, T. Maehira, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 14, L369-L375 (2002).
Spin Fluctuation Induced Superconductivity Controlled by Orbital Fluctuation -
I. Maruyama, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 65, 174421 (2002).
Kondo hole in one-dimensional Kondo insulators -
H. Harima, K.Takegahara, S.H. Curnoe, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 71 Suppl., 70-73 (2002).
Theory of Metal-Insulator Transition in Praseodymium Skutterudite Compounds -
T. Maehira, T. Takimoto, T. Hotta, K. Ueda, M. Higuchi, and A.Hasegawa
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 71 Suppl., 285-287 (2002).
Fermi Surface of Heavy Fermion Compounds CeTIn5(T=Rh, Ir, and Co):Band-Calculation and Tight-Binding Approach -
H. Shiba, K. Ueda, O. Sakai and S. Qin
Physica B 312-313, 309-314 (2002).
Theory of field-induced gap formation in charge-ordered Yb4As3 -
S.H. Curnoe, H. Harima, K.Takegahara, and K. Ueda
Physica B 312-313, 837-839 (2002).
Structural Phase Transition and Anti-Quadrupolar Ordering in PrFe4P12 and PrRu4P12 -
統計物理学入門 -
S. Miyahara, K. Totsuka, and K. Ueda
in proceedings of The 11th International Conferences on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (2001).
Magnetic Excitation of Orthogonal Dimer Heisenberg Spin System for SrCu2(BO3)2 -
H. Shiba, K. Ueda, O. Sakai, and S.J. Qin
in proceedings of Japanese-French meeting (2001) preprint (2001).
Structure, effective Hamiltonian and magnetic excitation spectrum in charge-ordered Yb4As3 -
H. Kontani, K. Kanki and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62, 83-87 (2001).
Hall Effect in High-Tc Superconductors -
N. Shibata and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70, 3690-3694 (2001).
Thermodynamic properties of the S=1/2 Heisenberg chain with staggered Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction -
Y. Yamashita, K. Ueda, and M. Sigrist
J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 13, L691-L692 (2001).
Parity-broken ground state for the spin-1 pyrochlore antiferromagnet -
S. Miyahara, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 Suppl.A, 180-182 (2001).
Magnetic Excitations in SrCu2(BO3)2 -
K. Totsuka, S. Miyahara, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 520-523 (2001).
Low-Lying Magnetic Excitation of the Shastry-Sutherland Model -
物性物理 第二章 25-46 edited by 大貫惇睦(朝倉書店、東京、2000).
格子振動と物性 -
固体物理 55 106-112 (2000).
1次元スピン軌道結合系 -
日本物理学会誌 55 106-112 (2000).
密度行列繰り込み群で見る強相関電子系 -
S. Zherlitsyn, S. Schmidt, B. Wolf, H. Schwenk, B. Luethi, H. Kageyama, K. Onizuka, Y. Ueda, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 62, R6097-R6099 (2000).
Sound-wave anomalies in SrCu2(BO3)2 -
S. Miyahara and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 69 Suppl.B, 72-77 (2000).
Thermodynamic Properties of the Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Dimer Model -
Y. Yamashita and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4960-4963 (2000).
Spin-Driven Jahn-Teller Distortion in a Pyrochlore system -
K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 1026-1030 (2000).
Concluding Remarks --- Theory -
H. Kontani, K. Kanki and K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 808-809 (2000).
Anomalous Behaviors of the Transport Phenomena in high-Tc Superconductors -
H. Aoki, A. Ochiai, M. Oshikawa, and K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 465-467 (2000).
Magnetic Anisotropy in Yb4As3 with One-Dimensional Yb3+ Chains -
S. Miyahara and K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 661-662 (2000)
The magnetization plateaus of SrCu2(BO3)2 -
Y. Yamashita, N. Shibata and K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 542-543 (2000).
Lower symmetric generalization of the SU(4) spin-orbit model -
Y. Tsukamoto, N. Kawakami, Y. Yamashita, and K. Ueda
Physica B 281-282, 540-541 (2000).
Gap Formation for the One-Dimensional SU(4) Spin-Orbital Model -
D.C. Johnston, M. Troyer, S. Miyahara, D. Lidsky, K. Ueda, M. Azuma, Z. Hiroi, M. Takano, M. Isobe, Y. Ueda, M.A. Korotin, V.I. Anisimov, A.V. Mahajan, and L.L. Miller
, (2000).
Magnetic Susceptibilities of Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Ladders and Applications to Ladder Oxide Compounds -
H. Shiba, K. Ueda and O. Sakai
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 69, 1493-1497 (2000).
Effective Hamiltonian for Charge-Ordered Yb4As3 -
K. Ueda and S. Miyahara
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Supplement A 69, 326-331 (2000).
Orthogonal Dimer Ground State and its Excitations -
T. Moriya and K. Ueda
Adv. Physics 49, 555-606 (2000).
Spin Fluctuations and High Temperature Superconductivity -
Y. Yamashita, N. Shibata and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69, 242-247 (2000).
Numerical Study of the One-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupled System with SU(2)xSU(2) Symmetry -
S. Miyahara and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 61, 3417-3424 (2000).
Superstructures at Magnetization Plateaus in SrCu2(BO3)2 -
Y. Yamashita, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 61, 4012-4018 (2000).
Crossover Phenomena in the One-Dimensional SU(4) Spin-Orbit Model under Magnetic Fields -
M. Oshikawa, K. Ueda, H. Aoki, A. Ochiai, and M. Kohgi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, 3181-3184 (1999).
Field-Induced Gap Formation in Yb4As3 -
T. Mutou and H. Kontani
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3685-3688 (1999).
Charge-Orbital Stripe Structure in La1-xCaxMnO3 (x=1/2,2/3) -
H. Kino, and H. Kontani
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, 1481-1484 (1999).
Effects of Spin Fluctuations in Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Superconductors -
K. Kanki and H. Kontani
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, 1614-1624 (1999).
Theory of Hall Effect and Electrical Transport in High-Tc Cuprates: Effects of Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations -
K. Ueda and S. Miyahara
J. Phys. Cond. Matter 11, L175-L178 (1999).
A class of Heisenberg models with the orthogonal dimer ground state -
H. Kontani, K. Kanki, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 59, 14723-14739 (1999).
Theory of Hall Effect and Resistivity in High-Tc Superconductors -
N. Shibata and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 11, R1-R30 (1999).
One Dimensional Kondo Lattice Model Studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method -
S. Miyahara and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3701-3704 (1999).
Exact dimer ground state of the two dimensional Heisenberg model for SrCu2(BO3)2 -
重い電子系の物理 -
T. Mutou, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81,82(E), 4939-4942,3727(E) (1998,1999(E)).
Temperature-induced gap formation in dynamic correlation functions of the one-dimensional Kondo insulator --- Finite-temperature density-matrix-renormalization-group study --- -
S. Miyahara, M. Troyer, D.C. Johnston, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, 3918-3923 (1998).
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of the Trellis Lattice Heisenberg Model for SrCu2O3 and CaV2O5 -
H. Kino, and H. Kontani
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, 3691-3694 (1998).
Phase Diagram of Superconductivity on the Anisotropic Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model: an Effective Model of k-(BEDT-TTF) Salts -
T. Mutou, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 10, L507-L511 (1998).
Melting of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain by external magnetic fields -
Y. Yamashita, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 58, 9114-9118 (1998).
SU(4) spin-orbit critical state in one-dimension -
H. Kontani, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5619-5622 (1998).
Electronic Properties of the Trellis Lattice Hubbard Model --- Pseudo Gap and Superconductivity --- -
T. Mutou, N. Shibata, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 57, 13702-13705 (1998).
Metal-Insulator Transition Accompanied with a Charge Ordering in the One-dimensional t-J' Model -
N. Shibata, B. Ammon, M. Troyer, M. Sigrist, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 67, 1086-1089 (1998).
Thermodynamic properties of the one-dimensional Kondo insulators studied by the density matrix renormalization group method -
日本物理学会誌 52, 422-429 (1997).
スピンゆらぎと高温超伝導 -
T. Miyazaki, M. Troyer, M. Ogata, K. Ueda, and D. Yoshioka
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 66, 2580-2583 (1997).
Susceptibilities of Sr(Cu1-xZnx)2O3 ---Studied by Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation -
M. Troyer, M. Imada, and K. Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 66, 2957-2960 (1997).
Critical Exponents of the Quantum Phase Transition of a Planar Antiferromagnet -
N. Shibata, A. Tsvelik, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 56, 330-334 (1997).
One-Dimensional Kondo Lattice Model as a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid -
H. Kontani, M.E. Zhitomirsky, and K. Ueda
Physica B 230-232, 752-755 (1997).
Effect of quantum fluctuations on magnetic ordering in CaV3O7 -
K. Ueda
Physica B 230-232, 22-26 (1997).
Kondo lattice model --- a perspective of heavy electron phenomena --- -
N. Shibata, K. Ueda, T. Nishino, and C.Ishii
Physica B 230-232, 1024-1027 (1997).
Large Fermi surface of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model observed by Friedel oscillations -
M. Troyer, M.E. Zhitomirsky, and K.Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 55, R6117-R6120 (1997).
Nearly Critical Ground State of LaCuO2.5 -
K. Ueda
Hyperfine Interactions 104, 141-149 (1997).
Recent Progress in Theoretical Understanding on Heavy Fermion Systems -
H. Tsunetsugu, M. Sigrist, and K.Ueda
Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 809-863 (1997).
The ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model -
S. Nakamura, T. Moriya, and K.Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 4026-4033 (1996).
Spin Fluctuation-induced Superconductivity in Two and Three Dimensional Systems -
N. Shibata, K. Ueda, T. Nishino, and C.Ishii
Phys. Rev. B 54, 13495-13498 (1996).
Friedel Oscillations in the One-Dimensional Kondo Lattice Model -
M.E. Zhitomirsky and K. Ueda
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Suppl. S2 46, 555-556 (1996).
Phase Diagram of Unconventional Superconductor UPt3 in Weak Crystal Field Model -
H. Kontani, M. Troyer, K. Ueda, M. Sigrist, and P.A. Lee
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics,Suppl. S4 46, 1903-1904 (1996).
Plaquette Resonating-Valence-Bond Ground State of CaV4O9 -
H. Kontani, M.E. Zhitomirsky, and K.Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 1566-1569 (1996).
Effect of Quantum Fluctuations on Magnetic Ordering in CaV3O7 -
M.E. Zhitomirsky and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 54, 9007-9010 (1996).
New valence bond crystal phase of a frustrated spin-1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet -
K. Ueda, M. Troyer, H. Kontani, M. Sigrist,and P.A. Lee
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 29, S128-S130 (1996).
Plaquette Resonating-Valence-Bond Ground State of CaV4O9 -
O.A. Starykh, M.E. Zhitomirsky, D.I.Khomskii, R.R.P. Singh, and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2558-2561 (1996).
Origin of spin gap in CaV4O9: effect of frustration and lattice distortion -
N. Shibata, T. Nishino, K. Ueda, and C.Ishii
Phys. Rev. B 53, R8828-R8831 (1996).
Spin and charge gaps in 1-D Kondo lattice model with Coulomb interaction between conduction electrons -
M. Troyer, H. Kontani, and K.Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3822-3825 (1996).
Phase Diagram of Depleted Heisenberg Model for CaV4O9 -
N. Shibata, C. Ishii, and K.Ueda
Physica B 223-224, 363-365 (1996).
Neel Orders, Haldane Gap and Kondo Spin Liquid Phase in the Anisotropic Kondo Chain -
K. Ueda, N. Shibata, and C.Ishii
Physica B 223-224, 426-428 (1996).
Devil's Staircase in Kondo Semimetals -
K. Ueda, H. Kontani, M. Sigrist, and P.A.Lee
Phys. Rev. Lett 76, 1932-1935 (1996).
Plaquette Resonating-Valence-Bond Ground State of CaV4O9 -
N. Ogawa, M. Sigrist, and K.Ueda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65, 545-551 (1996).
Internal Vortex Structure Change in a Thin Film for an Unconventional Superconductor -
M.E. Zhitomirsky and K. Ueda
Phys. Rev. B 53, 6591-6604 (1996).
Phase Diagram of Unconventional Superconductor UPt3 in Weak Crystal Field Model